The newest way to make CONNECTIONS, meet new friends, network, and even date.
You may be one connection away from changing our life. Think of the number of great people we fail to connect with on the elevator. How many people do we pass on our way to lunch that share the same interest as you; and these people may be in the same building or vicinity as you. Think of all the opportunities to forge bonding friendships you may have missed. Do you love having a great date or connection? Who could you meet that could help your business? How about a stronger network? There are so many great people in this world- and you are one of them. Let's connect!
Go CONNECT is the search engine for the people around you. Go Connect will help move social presence to the NEXT Level. Connect with those around you and make your presence known.
Identifying and making new connections is easier than ever, bringing people together like never before.
Connect with the people around you.
-Reach anyone within a mile radius (up to five miles with upgrade) socializing and networking with the people in your community.
-Instantly send a chat to those nearby; maybe it's the girl at the bar or the guy at the park. The possibilities are endless, break the ice and eliminate shyness by sending a chat to the person you would like to connect with.
-Shake your phone to customize your map of people nearby you may like to meet.
-Go Connect with those around by way of a message, photo, video, or even poll through our companion app GO POLLY. Stay connected with the people you meet and chat and GO POLLY.
-Identify with others interest -make new connections. Want to know who around you or who a is part of your sorority or fraternity? Shake your map and customize to your interests or groups.
-See who's single, maybe even find a date. Don’t guess if the person you are attracted to is taken or not. Simply check their profile and send them a chat.
-Called off of work or out having a drink? Avoid running into co-workers or exes you don't want to see.
-Network, network, network. Know who is at the conference you are attending and what their interests are.
-Get notified when your crush, a professor, or a prospect is nearby even if you have not made the connection yet.
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